American Identity?

There is a such thing as American Culture. Yet the definition of American culture is in no way objective, and in every way subjective. American Culture has changed constantly over time, and often in significant ways. Americans have never lost any sense of their “Identity” it simply changes, and then people seem to think if change occurs, all is lost. The Idea that there is an average American is a silly idea. The great thing about America is its diversity, although it may be what tears it apart as well. American culture is and always will be something of great debate, and if there is anything common among most Americans, it’s that we all love to debate. The reason for people to want one identity for all Americans is that is promotes America. That may be rather redundant, but Americans are always promoting or advertising how great America is, and a single identity may seem simpler for these people to make seem great. The big issue is that regardless of what anyone thinks, America is rather diverse, so there is no single identity for the whole population to classified under. America is a “Multiculturalism” society, and it is more aptly described as a type of stew rather than a melting pot, because if you take the lid off you can still see all the different ingredients which were put into the pot.  There always has been and always will be an “American Culture”, but it will never fall under a single identity. It will always be a combination and mix of multiple cultures, or “Multicultural”

One thought on “American Identity?

  1. I completely agree, there is no “Average American”. America is a land of immigrants. We all come from different backgrounds and this is what makes up our culture; our differences and unique histories.


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